Basic Arithmetic
Given the integers, 3, 4, 5, and 6, and the basic arithmetic operators: +, -, x, รท, and parenthesis, you need to come up with an expression that evaluates to 28. You can use each number only once and each operator only once.
Submitted by Denis Gobo and printed in SQL Server Magazine, May, 2006.
Cards Facing Up
You have a deck of 52 cards, all facing down. Blindfolded, you turn over seven of the cards in the deck so that they face up, then you shuffle the entire deck. Remaining blindfolded, you now need to separate the cards into two piles so that each pile contains the same number of face-up cards.
Contributed by Steve Kass and printed in SQL Server Magazine, March, 2006.
ABC puzzle from hell!
Using all of the letters A to Z, each once only, complete these words:
Easy as Pie
Fill in the blanks with five different numbers so that the following makes sense when read aloud:
We had been on a losing streak ___________ much ___________ long, but today we finally ___________. To celebrate, we ___________ ___________.
Second Solution
The numbers a, b, and c are positive integers. Given that b is equal to 5a, c is equal to 11b, and b has the same number of digits as a but half as many digits as c, there are two possible sets of values for a, b, and c. Can you find them both?
One is given in the comments.
Mfpmmmfpmmpp ffmppffmf mmpmppmppppp fmpppf Fmmppffmffmpmfp Pfmmmmpffpmp?
Mff'ppm pffmppmmmpmfpmfffm mfmpmfmmmmpm fmpmfpmmmfmp mppfpmmpppffffmppfpppmpp mfffmm mfpmmmfpmmffpppmfm fmmppf ppmfmfmmfmfp mpffmfppp ppfppp fmpmfpmfffmm fmmmfffmpmpp. Mff mfpppfpfmmpp fmpmfpmmmfmp ffmppffmf mmmpmfpmf mmfppfpppfmpmffpppfmfmpp fmpppf fpmmfffmmmfffmp mmmpppmpm fmmmfpmmmpffmpp ffmppffmfpff pfmfmfffpffppmfmppfmm.
Excuse Me
An asterisk (*) indicates a proper noun or title.
A clue is given in my first comment.
Hide and Seek
Just a quick question to find out whether you like having these posts "rolled up." Since this is a team site, I want to make sure that everyone feels like they can provide input on the look and feel. I can't make everyone happy, but hopefully we can mostly agree on things like this. Please post your comments!
Bat Attack
Vampire bats have been attacking a different person in the village of Batsrus on different days of the week and they all managed to succeed in sucking a little blood from their victim. The victim fought off the attacking bat by using any weapon on hand.
Can you determine the amount of blood sucked from which person, on what day and what they defended themselves with?
1) Miss Fitch had 4ml of blood sucked from her neck before managing to fight the bat off, but not with her Handbag or Fist and this wasn't on a Saturday.
2) The bat that was fought off with a Walking Stick managed to suck 1.5ml more than the bat that attacked 2 days before the victim that used a Slipper to defend themselves, which was not Mr. Sachs.
3) Mr. Sachs had more blood sucked from him than the Saturday victim.
4) A bat was hit with a Fist 2 days after a bat was hit with a Handbag.
5) The victim that had 7ml of blood sucked was attacked the day before the victim having the least amount of blood sucked, which was not on a Wednesday.
6) Monday's bat attack was on Mrs Melbury who didn't fight the bat off with a Slipper.
7) Ms Trews did not use an Umbrella as her weapon.
Victim: Miss Fitch / Mrs Melbury / Mr. Sachs / Ms Trews / Mr Twiddle
Day: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday
Weapon: Handbag, Fist, Walking Stick, Umbrella, Slipper
Blood Sucked: 1ml, 2.5ml, 4ml, 6ml, 7ml