Basic Arithmetic
Given the integers, 3, 4, 5, and 6, and the basic arithmetic operators: +, -, x, ÷, and parenthesis, you need to come up with an expression that evaluates to 28. You can use each number only once and each operator only once.Submitted by Denis Gobo and printed in SQL Server Magazine, May, 2006.
working on this one.
Cool. This one was a lot easier for me than the last one.
I know it's been a while, but here's the answer:
((6 ÷ 3) + 5) x 4 = 28
Upon further review, this should be written as
(6 ÷ 3 + 5) x 4 = 28
so that parenthesis are only used once and ensuring that we have met all the requirements of the original puzzle. Of course the 6 ÷ 3 will be evaluated first following standard order of operations, so the parenthesis in the original answer I gave were completely unnecessary anyway.
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